Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blueberries are in

Although the berries were starting to ripen several weeks ago, this is the first time the blue berries outnumbered the green ones.

We have a cluster of blueberry bushes near the boat house and more along the road. Áll are high bushes that didn't fare well in the deep cold of previous winters. This past winter was mild and the crop is good.

We have more bushes along the water's edge, accessible only by boat or by swimming. The rocks underwater are old friends - the one at the end of the dock, the even-bigger one where the old dock used to be. Lots of smaller ones that could scrape a boat or stub a toes if you don't know to expext them.

But, even the experienced can be surprised. When we for a moring swim today, I tripped over a log that had some during the off-season and settled below the surface in the corner of the cove.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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